EOS Mainnet – Race to the Finish

EOS Mainnet – Race to the Finish

The mainnet launches in just one week! BlockOne racing against Community boot initiatives With the release of Dawn 4.2 and the pending release of EOSIO Version 1.0 on June 1st BlockOne is running full steam ahead. Right along side are several mainnet boot initiatives...
Name Bidding and Premium Names on EOS

Name Bidding and Premium Names on EOS

What is a name? An influential playwright once wrote What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet However, I think we all agree rose looks nicer than xxxrosexxx12. But what about rose.com, or flower.rose, or rose.flower,...
EOSIO Multisig Tutorial

EOSIO Multisig Tutorial

What is Multisig Multisig is a term frequently used in the cryptographic and blockchain space. Essentially it enables multiple parties to sign or approve an action that takes place – typically a requirement for certain wallets, accounts, and smart contracts to...
Nathan Rempel moves to Advisor Role

Nathan Rempel moves to Advisor Role

It’s been a crazy and exciting journey since main net launch last year. But with the new year comes new beginnings. Nathan Rempel, one of the founding members of GenerEOS, and one of our significant contributors, has decided to take a step back from working on block...